How to Keep Your Short Term Rental Property Smelling Fresh

Scents can be somewhat polarizing for a lot of people. The perfume that you love may be offensive to someone else, which is why it might be better to aim for a more neutral backdrop. If you want to keep your Airbnb property in Scottsdale, AZ smelling good enough to entice your guests to come back (or, at the very least, write a glowing review), here are a few tips to keep it fresh.

Watch Your Kitchens

One of the most common sources of smell is the kitchen. As good as food smells as it’s cooking, it can leave behind a trail of scents that age poorly. If your guests are going to cook in your property, you can’t limit what they can and can’t make.

The best that you can do is try to get the scents out as quickly as possible, as strong cooking scents are a common complaint on the popular website. Investing in Febreze can be a good way to combat the odors, and it’s a perfectly good option when you don’t have several days to air out the place.

You can also request that your guests open windows if they’re going to cook foods or spices with strong smells (e.g., bacon, garlic). Or try simmering a mixture of water and white vinegar on the stove, or spreading baking soda on a plate so it can absorb the odors.

Try a Dehumidifier

If you live anywhere with water (even a man-made lake), it can be frustrating for all involved. It often doesn’t take that much humidity for the musty scent to build up, so guests may only need to leave for a few hours before it’s back again. A smart dehumidifier can be used to monitor the air and kick on when it’s starting to lose balance.

Find a Property Manager in Scottsdale, AZ

A good property manager in Scottsdale, AZ will be able to keep your Airbnb rental clean and fresh for every new guest. If you don’t always have the time, Sojourn Properties, LLC has a reliable staff who can keep up with cleaning both the surfaces and the air on the premises. Contact us to see how our services can help you keep your stellar reputation on Airbnb.


Pictures Are Worth 1000 Airbnb Rentals – Always Include These Images

Not getting the best number of booked days with your Airbnb? One of the most important things an Airbnb management company in Scottsdale will do when you work with them is to revamp the listing. Know one of the most important parts of this process? Adding the best pictures and imagery. In all truth, pictures are worth everything when it comes to making an impression with short-term rentals. Take a look at the most important images to include in your Airbnb rental description and why they matter.

The Main Sleeping Quarters

The bedrooms are, by all rights, where travelers will spend a good portion of their time in your property. And, when you’re looking for a home away from home, few things are as important as getting a good night of sleep. Therefore, make sure your Airbnb listing offers captivating, inviting pictures of the sleeping quarters. Make sure the bed is the focal point, but capture views from several angles.

Special Airbnb Features

Does your Airbnb have something that makes it unique? If so, make sure you add these images to your listing. A few examples of special features prospects will appreciate seeing include:

  • A pool or hot tub
  • An on-site washer and dryer
  • Workspaces or incorporated office space
  • Pet-friendly areas, such as a fenced-in yard
  • Large parking for RVs or larger vehicles
  • Entertainment features, such as a projector system

Panoramic Shots of the Outdoor View

The view can mean a lot to some travelers, especially those looking for rest and rejuvenation or that intend to stick around for a while. Therefore, make sure you get a few wide-angle or panoramic shots of the best outdoor view. Even more urban locations can have something highlight-worthy to capture in a picture that can be alluring. In addition to the view from the outdoors, consider grabbing a picture or two of the best view from one of the interior windows.

Need Help with Your Airbnb?

Managing an Airbnb and getting the most booked nights is a matter of marketing and property management. Need a little help from a property manager in Scottsdale, AZ? Reach out to us at Sojourn Properties LLC so we can step in and make a difference.

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What Does a Property Inspection Cover?

When you are thinking of buying an investment property to rent out as an Airbnb in Scottsdale, AZ or another kind of rental property, you’ll want to have a property inspection done. A property inspection isn’t always mandatory according to your lender, but they are recommended. The following are some things that the property inspector will look at.


The property inspector will carefully assess the condition of the windows, looking for signs of insulation failure. They won’t necessarily inspect every single window in the property, but enough to determine the general condition of the windows.


Fireplaces are also thoroughly examined. Property inspectors check for indicators of wear that suggest a fireplace hasn’t been cleaned or maintained on a regular basis. They also inspect for potential fire threats, such as creosote accumulation on the walls of the chimney.


The complete HVAC system, including the heating, cooling and plumbings systems, is examined by property inspectors. They’re specifically searching for signs of corrosion, leaks, mold development, and ventilation issues. In addition to the major components, they will thoroughly examine the tubing and wiring connections.

Electrical Problems

The electrical connections in the property will be examined by the property inspector. Any evident electrical issues, as well as situations that violate local and state construction codes, such as the absence of GFI outlets in rooms with running water, such as the laundry room, kitchen and bathrooms, will be documented. Every outlet, circuit breaker, fixture, and switch will be inspected.

Hand Rails and Banisters

The stability and proper installation of safety and guard rails and stairway banisters will be checked. This will include problems like shaky banisters that are not tightly connected to the walls, or areas where one or more balusters are missing. The property inspection report will also mention areas that should have safety railings but which are lacking. Railings along balconies, deck and pool areas are examples of locations that will be assessed.

A property inspection will help to ensure that your potential new rental property is actually a good investment. Once you are ready to start accepting tenants, get property management services in Scottsdale, AZ so your passive income stream can begin! Contact us for more information to get started.


How to Generate Passive Income from Short-Term Rentals

How to Generate Passive Income from Short-Term Rentals

Investments come in many forms. Many entrepreneurs start businesses, run them for a while and build them into large entities that employ hundreds or even thousands of people. Another type of investment is buying into an existing business, becoming a partial owner and enjoying a portion of the profits.

But the most successful investors know that money is not the most valuable commodity; time is. The most successful investors know that passive income is king.

What is Passive Income?

Passive income is money generated that doesn’t require a trade of money for time. Passive refers to the amount of action required on the part of the investor. In a passive income investment, the investor should not have to do much of anything after some initial action. In other words, there is some action needed to initiate passive income. But after that, the money should come in with little to no more effort on the part of the investor.

Confusion About Passive Income

Loosely interpreted, the IRS defines passive income as regular earnings that come from a source other than the investor. The form goes on to say that real estate investment is a form of passive income. That’s a bit confusing because anyone who has ever become a landlord can tell you that it is anything but passive income. When you spend your weekends performing maintenance on a rental and answering tenant calls on your vacation, that’s not passive income. That’s called a second job.

True Passive Income From Rental Real Estate

True passive income comes from rental real estate where you have hired a property management company to take care of it for you, such as a property management company in Scottsdale, AZ. A property management company takes care of everything from creating a boilerplate lease agreement, to screening new tenant applicants to fixing plumbing leaks at 2 a.m. on a holiday weekend. Meanwhile, you and your family are relaxing together, enjoying life. That’s passive income.

Whether you need Airbnb property management in Scottsdale, AZ, property management for a vacation rental or a rental property ten blocks from you, Sojourn Properties does what its name implies; allows you, the investor, to take a sojourn and have passive income, while they do all the actual work. Contact us today to learn more.


3 Things to Know About Guest Screening and Rental Properties

When it comes to renting out your property, it might seem like guest screening is relatively straightforward. However, there’s a reason why horror stories exist in the industry, and it’s not always because they’re one-off anomalies. Too many property owners can let the short-term benefits crowd out the long-term consequences of choosing the wrong tenants, and how a short-term property manager in Scottsdale, AZ can help you avoid any issues.

1. Decide Your Balance

There’s a wide range of things that you can do to screen your tenants, ranging from accepting anyone who applies to demanding a full background check and blood sample before you even think about letting them onto your property. The first thing you need to do is decide where exactly on the spectrum you fall and how your decision will affect your occupancy rates. The more you demand from well-meaning people, the easier it will be for them to look elsewhere.

2. Don’t Ignore the Red Flags

Just because someone can pay the deposit upfront, doesn’t mean that they’re not lawsuit hungry. It also doesn’t mean that they’re going to take care of your property. If you’re working with someone with somewhat dubious reviews or social media pages that suggest they have some growing up to do, you don’t want to ignore those elements before accepting them. Also, keep in mind that glowing reviews could be fake, so watch out if they largely say the same things or otherwise have a ring of authenticity.

3. A Short-Term Property Manager in Scottsdale, AZ Can Help

A short-term property manager in Scottsdale, AZ is essentially there to help you cut back on the hassle of renting out your property, as you likely have plenty of other things to be doing with your time. While it’s an investment, it’s one that can ultimately save you the hassles of an expensive lawsuit or destructive repair costs. Sojourn Properties LLC is here to make it possible for owners to be more confident about who’s stay in their place and how they’ll act if and when a snag comes along. Contact us to see how our services can be a great way to conserve more money in the long run.


3 Reasons Social Media Advertising Is Important for Short-Term Rentals

When it comes to marketing any business, social media is an invaluable tool that you have right at your fingertips for free. When an owner with several properties needs help from a short-term property management company in AZ, they often need help with advertising. Social media is a good place to start. Here is a quick look at three reasons social media advertising is important in the short-term rental business.

Make your property feel more accessible

Placing visual imagery of your short-term rentals on social media makes the property feel accessible or even approachable. Instead of going through a big-name website to get insight into your rentals, a prospective guest gets a first-hand look at the property on a platform that feels familiar. The social media user can navigate through things like property details and pictures that you include in posts as they browse their feed.

Get your property before target guests

If there are certain attributes about your property that you know are most attractive to prospective guests, social media makes it possible to get your advertisements in front of the right people. For example, if the property has an amazing beach view that is perfect for wedding ceremonies, center your post around these property attributes to make it shareworthy. It is bound to gain attention from people who are interested in such a rental.

Build a recognizable reputation as a brand

Social media makes it possible to build your reputation as a host. As a host, don’t neglect the fact that you are a business owner, and in a lot of ways, your reputation becomes your brand image. By regularly posting on social media and interacting with commenters, you can foster that sense of connection with your business brand. This recognition can support long-term success and business sustainability.

Get Help with Social Media Marketing for Short-Term Rentals in AZ

When done properly, social media marketing can be a highly effective and efficient component of your marketing plan, and a short-term property manager in AZ can help. Reach out to us at Sojourn Properties LLC to get a free property evaluation or find out how we can help keep your short-term rentals profitable.

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How to Attract Guests to Your Vacation Rental During Off-Seasons

A top reason owners reach out to a vacation rental management service in AZ with their vacation rentals is that they are struggling to maintain consistent profits. While you may have no problem at all keeping your units filled during heavy travel seasons, sometimes, it can be difficult to attract guests when traveling seasons slow. Our full-service airbnb management company in Scottsdale offers a few ways you may be able to attract guests to your vacation rentals during the off-seasons.

Adjust your pricing model

If you keep your pricing pretty stable regardless of the time of year, this can have a lot to do with how attractive your units are during non-peak travel times. The rental market can be highly competitive when you have a lot of travelers in the area. Therefore, you can afford to ask for higher per-night costs and still have no trouble keeping units filled. When traveling slows, more units become available, so you will have to adjust your pricing models to remain competitive.

Consider your target guest

While you may know your target guest in the summer or during busy travel seasons well, your guests may look totally different during off-seasons. For example, if you have frequent guests that stay in your units in the summer for festivals, those guests are not going to be looking for a place to stay in the winter. Therefore, you may have to adjust your marketing strategy to better target travelers that are coming to town for business, for the holidays, to visit family, etcetera.

Amp up your marketing efforts

During busy travel seasons, you may not have to do a great deal of marketing. People already have travel plans, and they already know they need a place to stay. However, when busy travel seasons pass, you may have to do a little legwork to get your vacation rental noticed. For example, if you normally don’t do a lot of social media advertising, it may be time to amp up those efforts when heavy travel times subside.

Find Help with Vacation Property Management in AZ to Keep Profits Flowing

With the proper strategies in place, your vacation rental property can remain profitable throughout the year. If you struggle with renting your property during off-seasons, it may be time to talk to a property manager in AZ. Reach out to us at Sojourn Properties LLC to find out how we can help.


Starting An Airbnb Business? 3 Tips To Make It Work 

Are you starting an Airbnb business? There are many ways that you can make your business work. Setting goals, thinking of your customers, and having a plan for maintaining your properties can all help. In this article, we’ll talk about three ways to make your Airbnb business work.

1. Set Goals, Re-Assess Regularly

Every business person must be able to set goals for their business and work toward those goals. How much money would you like your property to make in the first month? The first year? What kind of guests would you like to attract – large groups? Families?

How much would you like to grow your business in the first year? And in the second?

Making these goals is important. It’s also important to re-assess your goals on a regular basis, and revise them as needed. Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, so it’s important to maintain flexibility.

2. Think of Your Customers

Thinking of your customers and their needs is important. Hopefully, you know which type of customers your property is most likely to attract. Make a profile of your customers and what they’re most likely to want from your property, then find ways to make your property more user-friendly and welcoming for your potential guests.

Is your Airbnb a spring-break getaway destination? You’re going to need lots of beds, outdoor and indoor dining areas and plenty of bathrooms for all the guests who may be staying in your property at once.

No matter what kind of guests your Airbnb will attract, you should expect that they’ll want your property to be managed by a capable Airbnb property management in Scottsdale AZ.

3. Have a Plan for Maintaining Your Properties

Maintaining an Airbnb property can be tough, especially if you’re not living in the area. That’s why it’s important to work with a property management company in Scottsdale AZ.

When you’re looking for a property management company that will meet your needs, check their references and policies for maintaining properties. Price isn’t everything! The management company you choose should have a good reputation and great customer service. For more information about maintaining your Airbnb, call today.


Attract More Guests With An Airbnb Listing That Stands Out 

Attracting good Airbnb guests is very important! The more guests you get, and the better quality guests that you attract, the more successful your Airbnb business will be. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make your property more attractive to guests. It helps to work with a property management company in Scottsdale AZ – and it’s helpful to follow the advice below.

Take Professional Pictures

Most guests shop with their eyes as much as they shop by reading the descriptions of properties. Getting professional pictures taken of your Airbnb home is important for attracting guests.

Professional real estate photographers know how to take pictures of rooms so they appear light-filled and spacious. You’d be amazed how much difference it can make to get your real estate pictures professionally taken.

Create a Complete Listing

Give as much description as you can of your property so that potential guests will know what they’re getting when they rent your property. Are there interesting attractions in the area around your property? Is your property conveniently located? What are the greatest benefits of visiting your property? Provide all of this information in the description. Other information to give your potential guests include:

  • How many people could potentially sleep there?
  • How many parking spaces are available?
  • What are the rules of the property?
  • What do you provide on-site for visitors? What must guests provide of their own?
  • What makes your property unique?

Offer Small Touches

One way to attract guests is to offer a “welcome gift” to your guests – and let them know that they’ll be offered the gift when they check-in. You can also offer your guests a guide of local attractions, so they’ll have an easier time navigating the area. Most important of all is to let guests know they’ll have access to this when they check in to the property.

Know Your Guests

Know who your guests are and what their priorities are, so you can cater to their needs, and craft your listing to speak to their needs. Don’t forget to mention that you get property management services in Scottsdale to let guests know that your property is well-maintained! All guests need to know the property where they check-in will be clean and well-maintained.

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What Extras Should Airbnb Hosts Provide and Which Ones Are Nice But Optional?

Do you own an Airbnb rental in Scottsdale, AZ, or anywhere else for that matter? If so, you’ve probably been wondering which extras you need to provide and which ones you don’t. Or are you even obligated to provide any extras at all? Besides, do extras really make that much difference to your guests?

The answer is yes and no.

Let’s go into that a bit further.

Do I Have to Provide Extras with My Airbnb Rental?

No, you don’t have to provide extras with your Airbnb rental. Your guests probably aren’t going to rate you on your extras. However, they will decide whether to come back and whether to leave you a good review based on how well your rental met their needs.

Do Rental Extras Really Make a Difference?

Yes, they do, but you don’t need to go overboard. What makes your rental popular is how comfortable and convenient it is. Therefore, providing coffee pods, snacks, and other little niceties will make your guests’ stay comfortable and convenient because you anticipated their needs. This way, your guests don’t have to lift a finger or go out of their way to cover what most people consider a basic but not necessary need.

So that leads to the next question. Which extras are basic and should be included as part of a guest’s stay and which ones are nice but optional?

Basic Airbnb Amenities That Should Be Included with Every Stay

Here are some of what we consider basic Airbnb amenities that should be included with every stay.

  • Highspeed WiFi – lets face it, this is an absolute MUST in any property to be successful!
  • Coffee pot, coffee, creamer
  • Soap, shampoo, body wash
  • Hairdryer
  • Toilet paper, tissues
  • Sheets, blankets
  • Minimum one pillow per guest
  • Minimum one towel and washcloth per guest

Optional Airbnb Amenities That Are Nice but Not Necessary

Most Airbnb management services in Scottsdale, AZ will tell you that while the following amenities are not necessary, they will make a difference in how comfortable and convenient your rental is for your guests. Therefore, we highly recommend you go ahead and include these extras.

  • Ironing board, iron, and clothes baskets
  • Laundry detergent (even if your rental doesn’t have a washer)
  • A variety of phone chargers
  • Snacks such as popcorn, nuts, pretzels, etc.
  • A guidebook with area activities, restaurants and their menus, directions, and hours, etc.
  • A pool table, ping pong table, or foosball table.

And if you really want to up your game and set yourself up for great reviews and extra bookings, try providing luxury amenities. These could be anything from high-end linens and towels, his and her robes, movie streaming, a welcome basket, or anything else you think your guests might appreciate.

The Bottom Line

Anything you do that goes above and beyond what your competitors are doing is going to make your rental all that much more successful and profitable. The best thing to do is to put yourself in your guests’ shoes and think about what you might need if it were your stay. Just make sure what you’re doing is budget-friendly and not ultimately costing you more than you are making.

What’s Next?

If you don’t have the time to manage your Airbnb rental or are tired of the everyday churn of dealing with guests, their questions, and issues, please Contact Sojourn Properties today. We offer a variety of Airbnb management services in Scottsdale, AZ.